In the past, our company exclusively dealt with buying and selling Facebook Fanpage influence. However, we have recently moved on to Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest & Twitter accounts. will purchase influence on virtually every social medium, so if there is something we’re not listing, but you believe it has potential, then please contact our sales department. These virtual assets may include personal websites, phone applications, blogs, and even established forums/communities. We can connect you with brands who will purchase nearly anything with a large following. Our services do not stop on buying/selling social media influence, as we have other skills that may help your business grow. So, what else can our company do for you?
Social Marketing & Brand Awareness
Whether you’re a small business owner, internet marketer, or a large corporation, you want your brand to stand out from the crowd. The ultimate marketing goal is to have your target audience think of you and your company when they are ready to buy. Let help you achieve that goal.
Administration, Coaching & Content Creation
Don’t have time to manage your fanbase? No worries, let our company handle them for you. For a set monthly fee, we can manage your social media properties, create content, and engage the audience.
Professional Brokerage
Are you eyeing a property but the owner just won’t work with you? Let us help. Our trained staff and years of experience just may help to seal the deal. We will arrange, negotiate, and secure a contract on a property of your choosing. Can’t find the owner? We can help with that, also. This is what we do, we hunt down owners of viral accounts, so if you see something you want to buy influence on, then please let us know.
Online Talent Management
Are you e-famous? Great. Are you using your talent to its full potential? Make your official manager and see what we can do for you! Our years of experience can help you monetize your skill set while making sure your audience stays engaged and keeps growing. It does not matter how silly/stupid/offensive your gig may be. If you have a large following, please give us a call.
Man In The Middle Service
Don’t want to work with us? :( That is fine. Our company provides an escrow service, where we broker deals to protect buyers and sellers. Service price varies, depending on the size of the account and the financial risk we have to take.